Better Questions, Listening

You Eat Like A Bird (Issue 840)

In which we are encouraged to look back, at a client’s history of decisions and progress, before moving forward with recommendations for next steps. Read more »

What Questions Reveal (Issue 837)

In which we are encouraged to interpret the patterns of our prospects’ and clients’ questions and probe for their ultimate outcomes. Read more »

Playing In The Future (Issue 836)

In which we are reminded that we provide great value when we help clients and prospects anticipate what’s coming. Read more »

Finding Tragic Flaws (Issue 835)

In which we are encouraged to look for unproductive patterns in our clients’ decisions lest they come back to cripple them later. Read more »

You Eat Like A Bird! (Issue 827)

In which we are encouraged to understand context before we pitch recommendations. Read more »

Wells Fargo Timing: Symptom of Broader Failure

[April 18, 2017] The timing of the Wells Fargo case is symptomatic of a broader failure. The general theory about “why this happened” is that branch incentive programs were wrong (widget-based) and that sales managers were far too aggressive in pushing sales staff to sell more. All true, well documented. However: People tend to “go … Read more »

Make Them (Our Mistakes) Playable (Issue 825)

In which we are reminded that good call “mechanics” will save us when we make mistakes. Read more »

No Fiddling (Issue 822)

In which we are reminded, sales is a tough instrument. Keep practicing, regardless of how good the numbers are. Read more »

Follow The Cues We’re Given (Issue 817)

In which we are reminded that, sometimes, following the cues we’re given is more important than finishing the task we’d planned. Read more »

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