Managing Sales Process

Stop the Bleeding (Issue 510)

In which we are reminded to maintain a broad view and help our clients solve the problems that are immediate and urgent, whether or not we make a sale in that moment. Read more »

Hidalgo (Issue 509)

In which we are reminded: Like great movie writers and directors, our clients and prospects sometimes spin stories that are not completely connected to the truths they purport to represent. We can be entertained, and we should verify before contracting. Read more »

Chasing the Train (Issue 508)

In which we are reminded that, if a competitor displaces us from a piece of business, we need to think ahead, be  ready to solve the next problem well enough that we win the next opportunity. Read more »

The Territory Battle Plan (Issue 501)

In which we are reminded that, much as in Holiday shopping,  our efficiency and effectiveness in our territories can be vastly increased through the development and implementation of a plan. Read more »

Five Questions to Ask in January (Issue 500)

In which we are reminded that January is a good time to step back for a more strategic look at our clients and prospects and, perhaps, to help them articulate their plans more clearly so we can help them more powerfully. Read more »

Leave a Trace (Issue 499)

In which we are reminded to leave a trace or a trail for our prospects so they can find us when they want to talk to us. Read more »

Rehearsed Action (Issue 498)

In which we are reminded to over-prepare for high stakes sales calls. Read more »

Standing Out in the Crowd (Issue 495)

In which we discuss strategies to draw attention and attract  prospects and referrals. During a training session for branch managers and small business bankers, I shifted the focus from typical networking and prospecting to “attraction marketing” – attracting prospects to you rather than you stalking and chasing them. Read more »

Under Control (Issue 492)

In which we are reminded to stay focused as we pursue our sales goals. Eight a.m. Saturday broke a crisp, golden sunny, glorious October morning as the contestants in the Head of the Charles Regatta began their events. Read more »

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