
Baltimore, Maryland. 9:30 pm. Friday night. I was shuffling my way down one more jet way to one more airplane. Last leg of my trip home. ‘Though we all felt like cattle in a stock yard chute, the boarding passengers either shuffled silently or mumbled quietly to traveling companions. Not much moo-ing. So, it was … Read more »

Picture Perfect

One of my 55 year old friends invested a month last summer in a photography workshop, one of many steps on her path to mastering portrait photography. Early in the workshop, she asked her instructor: “How will I take pictures that are unique?” Read more »

Out of Gas

Big snow storm in our neck of the woods this weekend.  Second big one in four days. As I woke this morning, the 11th inch was hitting the drive way and, within an hour, falling snow was giving way to falling sleet and freezing rain. Read more »

Developing Expertise

About six weeks ago, we wrote: Whether you’re selling office equipment, mulch, or payment solutions, you are selling your expertise, not your products. Read more »

Happy and Interested

….In which we provide an effective alternative to cold calling prospects for appointments. Which would you rather do? Make 500 cold calls seeking appointments with people you’ve never met and who don’t want to talk to you? Or create a personal marketing program which brings them to you? Read more »

Existential Sales

Over my breakfast egg one morning, I read one of my son’s college application essays that boiled down to a bio-physics angst: “If we’re just clouds of electrons hovering together like so many bees in a swarm, what’s the point of anything?” Read more »

Win on Conditioning

Massachusetts high school state soccer tournament. Round of 16. My son’s soccer team, defending state champs, was down 3-1 at the half, having scored only in the last few minutes of the first half. Read more »

Win on Conditioning

Massachusetts high school state soccer tournament. Round of 16. My son’s soccer team, defending state champs, was down 3-1 at the half, having scored only in the last few minutes of the first half. Read more »

Based on the Evidence

From the “I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried” department, a voice mail received earlier this month: Read more »

Based on the Evidence

From the “I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried” department, a voice mail received earlier this month: Read more »

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