Monarch Innovation Awards

Figures in Speech (Issue 886)

In which we are reminded to speak … simply and slower… when we’re speaking with our clients. Read more »

Window Washers (Issue 844)

In which we are reminded to target and differentiate when we want to “steal” customers from other providers. Read more »

Bow Ties (or Learning to Wear The Brand) (Issue 843)

In which we are reminded, as we’re developing our brands or once we’ve built our brand, to stick with it…consistently. Read more »

You Eat Like A Bird (Issue 840)

In which we are encouraged to look back, at a client’s history of decisions and progress, before moving forward with recommendations for next steps. Read more »

Same Old. Same Old. (Issue 839)

In which we are reminded to bring new ideas and “change the mix” a bit with our existing, core clients lest they wander off in search of something new. Read more »

Memorable Headlines (Issue 838)

In which we are reminded to interpret the data we present to clients and prospects in a headline or memorable catch-phrase so that they can remember our selling points. Read more »

What Questions Reveal (Issue 837)

In which we are encouraged to interpret the patterns of our prospects’ and clients’ questions and probe for their ultimate outcomes. Read more »

Playing In The Future (Issue 836)

In which we are reminded that we provide great value when we help clients and prospects anticipate what’s coming. Read more »

Finding Tragic Flaws (Issue 835)

In which we are encouraged to look for unproductive patterns in our clients’ decisions lest they come back to cripple them later. Read more »

Back Stories (Issue 834)

In which we are reminded that our “back stories” are, frequently, critical sales differentiators. Read more »

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