trusted advisor

A Little Rogue (Issue 681)

In which we are encouraged (with judicious restraint) to  test the limits of our employers’  strategies, policies, and product lines to help our companies learn and adapt as clients and markets change. Read more »

Sight vs. Sound (Issue 678)

In which we wonder, how much should we focus on the physical elements of our sales presentations? Read more »

Options (Issue 677)

In which we are reminded that broad perspective and many options accelerate successful negotiating conclusions. Read more »

A Cholesterol Problem (Issue 675)

In which we are reminded to develop our brands and our reputations around something memorable or the one thing we do best. Read more »

What’s New? (Issue 674)

In which we are reminded to anticipate our clients’ questions and prepare for them in advance. Read more »

Relevance (Issue 673)

In which we are reminded that we have to evolve our positioning as market psychology shifts.   Read more »

Prospecting by Example (Issue 672)

In which we are reminded that word of mouth beats calling cold. Read more »

Cabaret (Issue 671)

In which we are reminded that our relationships with clients enable them to hear us more clearly. Read more »

Irritating Rituals (Issue 670)

In which we consider whether our moves at the beginning of sales calls may not be so smooth.   Read more »

Subway Strategy (Issue 659)

In which we are reminded that the best way to attract prospects is to demonstrate our capabilities to them. Read more »

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