
Back Stories (Issue 834)

In which we are reminded that our “back stories” are, frequently, critical sales differentiators. Read more »

Entering The (Prospecting) Cave of Wonders (Issue 816)

In which we discuss the opportunities and dangers in calling business prospects before business hours or on weekends and holidays. Read more »

Lousy Sales Leads (Issue 815)

In which we are reminded… no lead list is perfect. Just get on with things. Read more »

A (Christmas) Prospecting Tale (Issue 811)

In which we are reminded that consistent research is a key to offering timely, high impact ideas to prospects and clients. Read more »

Pause Before Flaming (Issue 806)

In which we are reminded to warm people up a little bit before we “turn on the heat” in prospecting conversations.  Read more »

Social Value (Issue 803)

In which we are encouraged to “play big” in the charitable or non-profit world as a way of leveling the playing field with people with whom we’d like to do business. Read more »

Prospecting Tip: Stay Away from the Tourists (Issue 801)

In which we are reminded to go where others ain’t when we’re networking or building community. Read more »

Pathways Oft Ignored (Issue 794)

In which we are reminded that, when we need internal leverage to move sales forward, our clients’ assistants or admins  may have the best networks of all. Read more »

Keep An Eye Out. Ask A Question. (Issue 782)

In which we are reminded: Look up, from time to time, and engage with the people around us.  No telling who we will meet. Read more »

Stories Our Clients Tell About Us (Issue 776)

In which we are reminded to ask our clients and prospects to comment on their positive experiences of us on LinkedIn. Read more »

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