Best Practices in Retail Financial Services Symposium

Why Do You Want to Work With Us? (Issue 687)

In which we are reminded to prepare answers to a  fundamental client question. Read more »

Feet Keep Moving (Issue 685)

In which we are reminded at mid-year to focus on knocking down the short term objectives in front of us on our way to the year end goal. Read more »

Future Vision Benefits (Issue 684)

In which we are reminded to paint an inviting vision of the future when we’re positioning our benefits. Read more »

Sight vs. Sound (Issue 678)

In which we wonder, how much should we focus on the physical elements of our sales presentations? Read more »

Options (Issue 677)

In which we are reminded that broad perspective and many options accelerate successful negotiating conclusions. Read more »

What’s New? (Issue 674)

In which we are reminded to anticipate our clients’ questions and prepare for them in advance. Read more »

Relevance (Issue 673)

In which we are reminded that we have to evolve our positioning as market psychology shifts.   Read more »

Prospecting by Example (Issue 672)

In which we are reminded that word of mouth beats calling cold. Read more »

Cabaret (Issue 671)

In which we are reminded that our relationships with clients enable them to hear us more clearly. Read more »

Subway Strategy (Issue 659)

In which we are reminded that the best way to attract prospects is to demonstrate our capabilities to them. Read more »

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