trusted advisor

Eat! Eat Some More! (Issue 755)

In which we are encouraged to understand context before we pitch recommendations. Read more »

Bridges in the Moment (Issue 754)

In which we are reminded we can leverage ‘what’s happening in the moment’ to start conversations with prospects during networking or group events. Read more »

The Changing Game (Issue 753)

In which we are encouraged to practice our conversation and sales skills in everyday life so they’re sharp when we need them in sales calls. Read more »

Not Thirsty (Issue 752)

In which we are reminded that, even if we provide water, horses won’t drink if they’re not already thirsty or if we can’t convince them that drinking now would be a really good idea. Read more »

Competitor Links (Issue 751)

In which we are reminded to keep our competitors clearly in view and to distance and differentiate ourselves. Read more »

Don’t Give A Hoot (Issue 749)

In which we are reminded that dollarizing our value, is an INCREASINGLY essential sales discipline. “Nobody gives a hoot about your products, Nick.” He may have substituted another word or two there, and his intent was clear. I was talking to another business owner about how our respective businesses are faring. “They don’t…really. They’re fine … Read more »

Pantry View (Issue 746)

In which we are reminded that one of the main purposes of our client “discovery” conversations is to help them take a fresh look at how they’re managing their operations. Read more »

Ruthless (Issue 744)

In which we are reminded that we can open up space and boost our productivity by purging “sentimental favorite” clients that provide little value so we can focus on the ones we can grow. Read more »

Social Selling (Issue 741)

In which we are reminded that the value we post on line – our social selling and personal marketing – can take us to markets and people far beyond the local market we serve. THAT’s why we do it. Read more »

Catch Phrases (Issue 740)

In which we are reminded to interpret the data we present to clients and prospects in a headline or memorable catch-phrase so that they can remember our selling points. A sunny early evening, out for a walk to wind down after a desk day. I hadn’t been out long when my mobile phone rang. Forgot … Read more »

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