Positioning Value

Free Advice

In which we are reminded to think about how we position our value and the value of our advice so that prospects and clients don’t take it for granted. Read more »

Maintaining Mystique (Issue 1145)

In which we are reminded to honor the magic – to align how we provide services or products with clients’ expectations. Read more »

Mashed Bananas (Issue 1144)

In which we are urged to choose and cultivate a distinctive brand trigger that connects clients to us. Read more »

Chickpea Burger (Issue 1141)

In which we are encouraged to avoid brand or reputational damage by guiding clients toward what we do best and away from our weak elements. Read more »

Make It Personal (Issue 1125)

In which we are reminded that introductions and referrals involve personal, not paper,  connections.   Read more »

Contrarian Perspectives (Issue 1120)

In which we are reminded that, unless we have something contrarian or different to say, our voices get lost in the noise of the crowd. Read more »

Sell the Back Story (Issue 1114)

In which we are reminded that our companies’ origins and values stories can be powerful tools to attract, enroll, and engage new clients. Read more »

Start with the Problem (Issue 1111)

In which we are reminded, if we want to attract peoples’ attention, to start with their problem. Read more »

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify (Issue 1107)

In which we are reminded to help clients simplify their purchases of complex products by recommending options based on how they use them and likely outcomes (advantages and benefits) rather than technical wizardry (features).  Read more »

One Data Point (Issue 1091)

In which we are reminded that we can lose a client’s confidence with just one “off” experience. Read more »

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