Better Questions, Listening

Early Picasso (Issue 923)

In which we are reminded we cannot understand our clients’ as we see them now unless we understand how they got here…and how their journey influenced them. Read more »

How Would I Know? (Issue 922)

In which we are reminded it’s useful to know how our clients usually handle situations AND their buying criteria before making a recommendation. Read more »

Totally Concrete (Issue 921)

In which we are reminded to clarify terms we don’t understand before presenting ideas. Read more »

Are You Ready for Some Football? (Issue 919)

In which we are reminded to ditch the cultural assumptions and  to ask open-ended questions. Read more »

Maintaining Momentum (Issue 917)

In which we are encouraged to include some “momentum” questions in our discussions with our clients. Read more »

You Eat Like A Bird (Issue 910)

In which we are encouraged to look back at a client’s history of decisions and progress before moving forward with recommendations for next steps. Read more »

Compère Lapin (Issue 908)

In which we are reminded that personalized  attention to  small details can make us memorable. Read more »

Start Simple. Assume Nothing. (Issue 892)

In which we are reminded to check the basics, first, when we are assessing client challenges. Read more »

Have Things Changed? (Issue 891)

In which we are reminded to explore, with our clients, whether accumulated, “taken for granted” assumptions or conditions have changed. Read more »

It Isn’t “Small” Talk (Issue 890)

In which we are reminded to dig in, behind the surface chit chat, to learn more about our clients. Read more »

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