Beyond Our Scope (Issue 1041)

In which we are reminded that, sometimes, we have to help a client solve a problem or remove an obstacle that is outside of our normal scope so they can move forward with services we CAN provide.

Two of our desks have to go – one from the office next to mine. The other from just inside our office entry door.

‘Though we’ve always been a virtual company, the first we acquired for use by any of Clarity’s team who might need settle-in space for a few days at a time. The second, an L-shaped secretarial desk that would have looked grand in any well-appointed law firm office, was, until the pandemic started, used daily by our practice manager.

Post-pandemic, all Clarity team members except me work from home and it’s time to repurpose the space for the next leg of Clarity’s journey. I have ideas.

I’ve talked to a couple of carpenters; they can’t do anything until I remove the desks. We’re at an impasse.

While I could engage someone to remove them, break them apart, and push desk bits into landfill, I won’t. The desks are in good shape. I want to find good homes for them.

No matter how many times I talk to the carpenters, no matter how excited we are about their work, no matter how many times they remind me they could start work if I moved the two desks, I haven’t.

We’re deadlocked.

“Psst,” I’ve whispered to the carpenters. “Help me, please. I’m stuck. Help me solve this problem – the desks – and we can start your work! ”

And, they won’t. Or can’t. Or something…

Nick Miller and Clarity train banks and bankers to attract and develop deeper relationships with small businesses. Many more Sales Thoughts like this and a host of other articles and resources at .








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